HEADS UP: Switched to 1.8 source/target in build (in graphics repository).

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at oracle.com
Tue May 7 04:38:18 PDT 2013

Hi Martin,

Thanks for sending this out.

Leif has done a similar thing in the controls repo. Once his change gets 
integrated this week, the minimum required build of JDK 8 will be b87.

I should have sent this out yesterday. I have added a new property file: 
rt/build.properties that defines the current version we use to build FX, 
and the minimum version required. Developers are encouraged to look at 
this file. At some point, we may add a minimum version check in our 
build scripts to fail the build early with a clear message (rather than 
failing at some random point with a compilation error).

-- Kevin

Martin Sladecek wrote:
> Hi,
> just pushed a changeset 831d74ba3576 (FilteredList/SortedList) that 
> switched javac.source and javac.target parameters to 1.8.
> This means the (graphics) repository is no longer buildable with JDK7.
> Regards,
> -Martin

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