OpenJFX 8 Backport to Java 7

Richard Bair richard.bair at
Wed May 15 08:17:39 PDT 2013

Great to see!

On May 14, 2013, at 8:05 PM, Danno Ferrin <danno.ferrin at> wrote:

> I've started a backport codebase for OpenJFX8 to Java 7.
> The intent is to provide OpenJFX 8 code to Java 7 based VMs, whether it is
> Oracle's JVM or other Java7 based VMs (such as RoboVM or Dalvik).  It's not
> soup yet, it still needs some more open source libraries.  Right now the
> compile breaks at the graphics module because the com.sun.javafx.accessible
> packages have not been open sourced yet.
> For the record I am only concerning myself with the gradle build and not
> the current Ant based build.
> Generally speaking the plans are to deal with the incompatibilities as
> mechanically and predictably as possible.
> * For lambdas expanding them to inner classes.  IntelliJ has a code
> intention for this I am using
> * For defender methods push down the default implementation to first line
> implementors, giving it the same effect with more lines of code.
> * For the new JSR-310 Date classes bring in the ThreeTen jars (
> (but it's not there yet)
> * For java.util.function.Predicate<T> replace it with Callback<T, Boolean>
> If anyone is interested in contributing and wants commit access, just ask.
> --Danno

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