Name that Property ! javafx.Stage.fullScreenWarning=false

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at
Thu May 16 11:03:28 PDT 2013

I might keep this one specific to disabling the overlay warning (since 
there are use-cases other than kiosks that want to disable the 
behavior). Also, I prefer to make the "s" in stage lower case? We don't 
usually start names with a capital letter.

-- Kevin

Tom Eugelink wrote:
> Maybe in the future some more behaviors will be tuned when in kiosk 
> mode, so how about
> -Djavafx.Stage.kiosk=true
> On 2013-05-16 19:33, David Hill wrote:
>> I am working on the much requested (RT-15314) Allow trusted apps to 
>> disable the fullscreen overlay warning and disable the "Exit on ESC" 
>> behavior.
>> Now we get to play, "Name That Property"!
>> This is a property that will disable the "ESC to exit fullscreen..." 
>> warning overly. This overlay does not make sense in a Kiosk style 
>> application.
>> I am proposing:
>>     -Djavafx.Stage.fullScreenWarning=false
>> to disable the overlay.
>> I am sure that there will be other ideas. :-)

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