TitledPanes and animated Treeviews
Sebastian Rheinnecker
sebastian.rheinnecker at yworks.com
Fri May 17 03:47:07 PDT 2013
I wanted to achive a Navigation for my application that looks like a
TreeView but is animated like a TitledPane. That is, a Transition when
expanding/collapsing an item for its content.
What I did so far is to nest multiple Accordions like this:
- TopAccordion
---- TitledPane
------- Accordion
---- TitledPane
------- Accordion
However, this approach results in ugly states in the transition when
expanding/collapsing inner TitledPanes. For an example, I followed the
example code on TitledPanes on the Oracle website and added my approach
to it. In the attached image "nestedaccordions.png" (made of
AccordionsTest.java) you can see that there is a gap between the end of
the inner Accordion and the next TitledPane. This effect increases when
the Accordions are deeper nested and another branch is expanded. I also
noticed that this does not only happen to nested Accordions but other
controls as well, for example, I followed the code provided in this
thread: https://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=2339215
and the result is depictured in the attached "accordionwithtreeview.png".
I noticed that there is a hardcoded EASE_IN and EASE_OUT interpolator
used for the animation of the TitledPane. I believe that this does some
nasty stuff when those are nested. The issue persists in JavaFX 8.0.
On another note, to workaround this, I searched for ways to implement a
custom TreeCell that is animated when collapsing/expanding a branch in a
TreeView. I couldn't find API for this or even an example anywhere, is
this not possible?
Kind regards,
Sebastian Rheinnecker
phone: +49 7071 9709050
fax: +49 7071 9709051
yWorks GmbH
Vor dem Kreuzberg 28
72070 Tuebingen
Managing Directors: Sebastian Müller, Michael Pfahler
Commercial Registry: Stuttgart, Germany, HRB 382340
-------------- next part --------------
package test;
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.scene.Group;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.Accordion;
import javafx.scene.control.TitledPane;
import javafx.scene.image.Image;
import javafx.scene.image.ImageView;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
public class AccordionTest extends Application {
final String[] imageNames = new String[]{"Apples", "Flowers", "Leaves"};
final Image[] images = new Image[imageNames.length];
final ImageView[] pics = new ImageView[imageNames.length];
final TitledPane[] tps = new TitledPane[imageNames.length];
public static void main(String[] args) {
@Override public void start(Stage stage) {
Scene scene = new Scene(new Group(), 80, 180);
final Accordion accordion1 = new Accordion ();
for (int i = 0; i < imageNames.length; i++) {
images[i] = new
Image(getClass().getResourceAsStream(imageNames[i] + ".jpg"));
pics[i] = new ImageView(images[i]);
tps[i] = new TitledPane(imageNames[i],pics[i]);
final Accordion accordion2 = new Accordion ();
for (int i = 0; i < imageNames.length; i++) {
images[i] = new
Image(getClass().getResourceAsStream(imageNames[i] + ".jpg"));
pics[i] = new ImageView(images[i]);
tps[i] = new TitledPane(imageNames[i],pics[i]);
final Accordion accordion3 = new Accordion ();
for (int i = 0; i < imageNames.length; i++) {
images[i] = new
Image(getClass().getResourceAsStream(imageNames[i] + ".jpg"));
pics[i] = new ImageView(images[i]);
tps[i] = new TitledPane(imageNames[i],pics[i]);
final Accordion rootAccordion = new Accordion ();
TitledPane first = new TitledPane("First", accordion1);
TitledPane second = new TitledPane("Second", null);
TitledPane third = new TitledPane("Third", accordion3);
Group root = (Group)scene.getRoot();
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