FXML and high dpi screens
Danno Ferrin
danno.ferrin at shemnon.com
Mon May 20 14:20:34 PDT 2013
The JavaFX CSS as it stands in JDK 7 does not support sizing and
positioning in the CSS (there may have been some work in 8, can't remember).
But since N is small (1.0, 1.25, 1.5, and 2.0) multiple FXMLs may be the
way we solve it, possibly with some mechanical translation.
On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 3:15 PM, Daniel Zwolenski <zonski at gmail.com> wrote:
> Is it worth also looking at web land for strategies here? HTML seems to
> cater for all screen sizes and resolutions from little androids to massive
> iMacs.
> The Bootstrap strategy is to provide alternate CSS rules for different
> media types and resolutions.
> http://www.onextrapixel.com/2012/11/12/how-to-use-twitter-bootstrap-to-create-a-responsive-website-design/
> Just something to throw in the mix.
> On 21/05/2013, at 6:54 AM, John Moxley <jack at moxley.co.uk> wrote:
> > To be fair its been about a year since I have shipped any apps, I am
> currently working on treasury systems in a bank, so not quite as relevant.
> :-)
> >
> > When porting for very small devices, the main rule of thumb was to allow
> the screen to adapt to larger screens programatically. Lets hypothetically
> say I was designing an application that displayed a graph of, for arguments
> sake, sales figures. On a small device I would want a single graph to be
> displayed, with maybe a button to show the legend in a pop up. As the
> screen got larger I would want that legend to appear on the graph itself,
> as it got larger I might want to add options or even more graphs. I
> certainly wouldn't want the line on the graph to be pixel stretched. I also
> wouldn't want a massive graph with a button for the legend.
> >
> > With high resolution screens, apples solution was to basically add 2X to
> the name of all its images designed for the retina display, this works if
> all you are doing is doubling your res, but in the android world pixel
> density is more in flux, and the costs associated with generating so many
> images is going to be high. Being able to dynamically determine when and
> where you apply such tactics is invaluable.
> >
> > Can I suggest reading up on best practices at http://mobiforge.com/ It
> arose from the .mobi domain back in the day when we were dealing with a mix
> of wap and html4, it might give an insight into the practice of mobile UI
> designers.
> >
> > I think my main point is it has to be adaptable. Android does have too
> much ui configuration for my liking, but it is powerful. Javafx has got a
> bigger problem them iOS or Android in that its got to support even more
> resolutions and devices.
> >
> > I don't have a proposal, but I will think on it.
> >
> > On 20 May 2013, at 16:53, Richard Bair <richard.bair at oracle.com> wrote:
> >
> >> Hi Jack,
> >>
> >> Our experience is that the Apple solution is much cleaner, however
> you're experience is very interesting and (since you are actually shipping
> apps on it instead of living in the land of theory) relevant. Do you have a
> proposal?
> >>
> >> One thing to consider is that any scale factor that doesn't end up
> pixel aligned will result in fuzzy UI. Our "snap to pixel" layout snaps to
> whole numbers for positions -- but based on the scale factor this may or
> may not end up pixel aligned (otherwise when animating a UI control it
> would snap from pixel to pixel instead of smoothly animating through them).
> >>
> >> Can you give some examples of the type of control you need, and why?
> >>
> >> Thanks!
> >> Richard
> >>
> >> On May 18, 2013, at 12:20 AM, Jack Moxley <jack at moxley.co.uk> wrote:
> >>
> >>> You have to be careful, apples support for pixel densities and screen
> sizes is very lack luster, it came late in the day and they only ever
> needed to support a small number of densities and screen sizes.
> >>>
> >>> Googles approach on android, or preferably the standard html5 approach
> using media queries is going to cause less issues in the long run. The
> requirement to have the the layout change because of orientation, screen
> size or density is prevalent in every mobile application I have ever had to
> write or port.
> >>>
> >>> As such having it done for me, does not appeal, unless I have a way of
> overriding it.
> >>>
> >>> Sent from my iPhone
> >>>
> >>> On 18 May 2013, at 00:01, Jim Graham <james.graham at oracle.com> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> The way we deal with platform "stretching" for retina displays is to
> tell the platform that we are HiDPI aware and do the "pixel stretching"
> ourselves, but this is using only the MacOS APIs for DPI communication.
> >>>>
> >>>> We have an outstanding Jira issue to do the same thing for Windows 8,
> but we haven't investigated what that involves yet, primarily because there
> hadn't been a major hardware shipment of Win8 HiDPI screens at the time we
> implemented Retina support. It sounds like the new Surface hardware might
> be opening that box on the Windows side now.
> >>>>
> >>>> If we'd implemented retina support entirely by suggesting a different
> EM to the CSS code then only code that used CSS for sizing would look good.
> The solution we used for Retina scales all content appropriately
> including, implicitly, the CSS EM sizing...
> >>>>
> >>>> ...jim
> >>>>
> >>>> On 5/16/13 11:51 AM, Danno Ferrin wrote:
> >>>>> Executive summary: Is there any way in FXML to specify the sizes of
> the
> >>>>> components in units other than pixels? Either now or in the future?
> >>>>>
> >>>>> So I am running a Java Swing Application on a Surface tablet with
> multiple
> >>>>> embedded FXPanels (mostly to deal with cross toolkit dialog
> modality... an
> >>>>> issue for another thread). In order to not get the horrible blurred
> view
> >>>>> (since surface does 150% font scaling) I turn off the dpi fixing for
> the
> >>>>> java app, so the swing app is pixel to pixel for the most part, with
> some
> >>>>> dramatic sizing issues with the XP theming (an issue I don't expect
> ever to
> >>>>> be fixed).
> >>>>>
> >>>>> So I have an FXML panel that is supposed to be 560x400, and I
> literally get
> >>>>> 560px by 400px. But the widgets are all sized in EM, which respects
> the
> >>>>> native DPI scale. I don't want to turn that off, because in this
> case I
> >>>>> like it. But the widgets scale up, so it sizes like a
> 373.333x266.666
> >>>>> panel. What I do want to be able to do is specify the FXML sizes in
> EM, so
> >>>>> I would call it 35em x 25em. Is there a way in FXML to specify
> these? Or
> >>>>> will I have to do multiple FXMLs mechanically scaling the sizes up.
> Or is
> >>>>> there some escape sequence or auxiliary data I can add to say "scale
> pixel
> >>>>> sizes by 150%"?
> >>>>>
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >
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