FXML expression binding
Richard Bair
richard.bair at oracle.com
Tue May 21 08:32:16 PDT 2013
No it does not, I don't think it is defined what it supports at present, but it definitely is not UEL.
On May 20, 2013, at 11:37 AM, Philipp Dörfler <phdoerfler at gmail.com> wrote:
> Just to clarify - at the moment, FXML expression binding uses UEL?
> Thanks,
> ~ Philipp
> Am 07.05.2013 um 11:42 schrieb Werner Lehmann <lehmann at media-interactive.de>:
>> See below.
>> On 07.05.2013 01:56, Richard Bair wrote:
>>>> ! boxD.selected&& boxE.selected seems to be: !(boxD.selected&& boxE.selected)
>>> I'd probably call that one a bug. Whether it was or not!
>> I would agree. Looks to me as if there might be special code checking for a '!' at the beginning of the expression. Regardless whatever comes next.
>>> At the time, I really wanted us to use UEL (same expression language used by JSF, JSP) for the following reasons:
>>> - EE engineers will be familiar with it
>>> - Lots of example code out there
>>> - Implementation already exists and is robust
>>> There were a few things I felt needed fixing in UEL to be quite what
>>> I wanted, but basically I felt we should take it and go. Since then
>>> some other binding languages have come on the scene such as
>>> handlebars and I don't remember how many others we looked at. Should
>>> we just take UEL, or should we take a full survey of the JS
>>> state-of-the-art?
>> Personally I don't know UEL (used only OGNL on Tapestry). Not sure if UEL documentation 100% applies to FX beans/properties when it is intended for EE beans. For example, what about obserable properties, or the #{} syntax. If that is clarified I'd be happy with the choice.
>> The "Parameterized Method Calls" feature might even help to resolve RT-19198 which is about preselection in selection models in FXML. One problem here: select() is a void method, so there is no good result of that expression and in this case you wouldn't want to use it anyway.
>> http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/6/tutorial/doc/bnahu.html#gjhbz
>> Werner
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