css problem with custom TableRow

Neil Galarneau neil at galarneaus.net
Tue May 21 16:10:14 PDT 2013

It is: https://javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/RT-30558
I included the background as well.
Thanks Jonathan. 


----- Original Message -----
From: jonathan.giles at oracle.com
To:"Neil Galarneau" 
Sent:Wed, 22 May 2013 08:39:43 +1200
Subject:Re: css problem with custom TableRow

 This is probably better suited to being discussed via a jira issue
 it'll likely turn into a bug report - could you please file one?

 Whilst you're doing that, it would be interesting to take a step
 and understand why you're wanting to create a TableRow /
 subclass? I'm not aware of many people doing this (or setting a
 row factory). What functionality are you trying to achieve? If you
 include these details in the bug report we can move forward with the

 best approach from there.

 -- Jonathan

 On 22/05/2013 8:31 a.m., Neil Galarneau wrote:
 > Hello,
 > Although most customizations to TableView can be done with custom
 > TableCells, I think I need a custom TableRow.
 > I've been trying to follow Paru's advice from her JavaOne talk
 > Jonathan on starting to build a custom control based on Control.
 > I have subclassed TableRow & TableRowSkin and am setting a Row
 > Factory on the TableView.
 > I can see my subclasses getting instantiated, but in my TableRow
 > subclass, getUserAgentStylesheet() is not getting called, which I
 > think is why my custom .css file isn't getting applied.
 > Because I have removed the table-row-cell style class in my
 > subclass, the table is not styled.
 > Can someone suggest what I can do to get my css loaded & applied?
 > Thanks,
 > Neil

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