FXMLLoader & BuilderFactory

Florian Brunner fbrunnerlist at gmx.ch
Wed May 29 15:03:01 PDT 2013


I'm experimenting with FXMLLoader. Is there a way to get notified, when an instance gets created?

I tried to work with a wrapper class for BuilderFactory, like this:

public class WrapperBuilderFactory implements BuilderFactory {

    private final BuilderFactory builderFactory;

    public WrapperBuilderFactory(BuilderFactory builderFactory) {
        this.builderFactory = builderFactory;

    public Builder<?> getBuilder(Class<?> type) {
        Builder<?> builder = builderFactory.getBuilder(type);
        return new WrapperBuilder<>(builder);

    private static class WrapperBuilder<T> implements Builder<T> {

        private final Builder<T> builder;

        public WrapperBuilder(Builder<T> builder) {
            this.builder = builder;

        public T build() {
            T t = builder.build();
            return t;

        private void doSomething(){
            // do something

and then call:
 FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader();
 loader.setBuilderFactory(new FXMLControllerBuilderFactory(loader.getBuilderFactory()));

But it seems that BuilderFactory.getBuilder usually returns null, which gets treaded completely differently (instance created at XML start tag) than when a Builder gets returned (instance created at XML end tag).

Is there another way to get notified when an instance gets created?

Otherwise I will file an enhancement request.

Kind regards,

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