Patches for packager tweaks

Daniel Zwolenski zonski at
Thu May 30 18:58:46 PDT 2013

I'm guessing Danno would like to know how long he should expect to wait for
the patches he kindly contributed and linked to in that email to get
included. Seems like a fair and reasonable question and one I'd also like
to know the answer to.

Perhaps a linked question that I'd also like to know: is anyone actually
allocated to any work on the packager at the moment, and if not when are
they next going to be?

On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 11:44 AM, Kevin Rushforth <
kevin.rushforth at> wrote:

>  How long is it taking for community patches to get into a build these
>> days?
> Hi Danno,
> There are two parts to the answer:
> 1) How long does it take for a proposed fix (patch) to be reviewed and
> accepted?
> 2) Once your patch is accepted and the changeset is pushed to the repo,
> how long before it shows up in an EA build?
> #1 depends on what area it is, what is the scale of the proposed change:
> is it a simple bug fix, or a new feature with API or documentation
> implications, are there compatibility concerns, how risky is it, etc.
> #2 is typically between 0.5 and 1.5 weeks depending when it is pushed.
> As a reminder (Richard may have recently posted something about this, so
> my apologies if this is a duplicate reminder), anyone submitting a patch
> must first sign the Oracle Contributor Agreement (OCA) before we can
> consider taking it.
> -- Kevin
> Danno Ferrin wrote:
>> Just posted to bugs with patches for some tweaks I'de like to see to the
>> packager.
>> The first one is to allow for a comma separated list of enumerated
>> packagers, so it's not one or all.
>> The second one is more relevant, it moves the discovery of the bundlers
>> from being hard coded in the class file to loaded off of the
>> META-INF/services directory.  This allows a bunlder to be added at
>> "runtime" when the build is being done.  For example, a bundler that would
>> bundle RoboVM or APK files provided at runtime rather than having to
>> package it's reference into the source code itself.
>> How long is it taking for community patches to get into a build these
>> days?

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