GridPane prevents layouting

Martin Sladecek martin.sladecek at
Thu Nov 7 04:22:08 PST 2013

Hi Mario,
this is definitely a bug. Can you file this to JIRA, preferably with 
some test case that fails for you?


On 11/07/2013 11:48 AM, Mario Ivankovits wrote:
> Hi JavaFX-Devs!
> I do have a situation where the GridPane prevents the refreshing of parts of a scene.
> Unhappily I am not yet able to reconstruct this case in an simple test, but what I have found ist hat GridPane.requestLayout sometimes prevents bubbling up the request and thus never reaches the point where the Toolkit.requestNextPulse() will be called.
> The problematic frame in GridPane:
>      @Override public void requestLayout() {
>          // RT-18878: Do not update metrics dirty if we are performing layout.
>          // If metricsDirty is set true during a layout pass the next call to computeGridMetrics()
>          // will clear all the cell bounds resulting in out of date info until the
>          // next layout pass.
>          if (performingLayout || metricsDirty) {
>              return;
>          }
> As far as I can see, at least super.requestLayout() should be called in the "if" case so the request can bubble further up.
> Otherwise, the components within the GridPane "cell" are marked with "needsLayout", but they never get layouted until you e.g. resize the window.
> Best regards,
> Mario

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