JavaFX on iOS and Android: The real problem and challenge

Pedro Duque Vieira pedro.duquevieira at
Sat Nov 9 04:06:54 PST 2013


Pardon me for saying this but I think Oracle is really handling this issue
very badly. I think very poor communication strategy is the real issue and
source of much frustration from the community.

I can see that Oracle is indeed working and assigning programming hours to
bringing JavaFX to iOS and Android but there is very little communication
going on about Oracle progress on this..

I think Oracle should tell us more about their work with javafx on iOS and
Android. Oracle should create an article or wiki or whatever about their
progress on this:
1 - That site/article/whatever should detail what's the current state,
what's missing, what's the roadmap..

2 - Oracle should tell us how can the community help with the current
effort. Creating a list of tasks that could be accomplished by a community
member would be very helpful! That would assure that we are not working all
on the same thing and thus wasting time. Each community member could than
pick up a task and say he/she is working on it and provide pointers to
their project and current work so anyone can chime in and help.
I think tasks that can be handled by the community should preferably be
tasks that should not be too big in scope/development hours - community
members usually do this on their spare time for a couple of hours.
Currently the only tasks we have are:
  - Develop iOS port or iOS jvm
  - Develop Android port or Android jvm
This is too big for any community member to pick up. Too big in scope and
too much to wrap your mind on.

3 - Oracle should provide an estimated time/effort for each task and for
each project. Also an indication of the task importance level would be very
helpful. Preferably tasks with a very high importance level should be
handled by javafx team members.

4 - Oracle should be the steward of this effort. I think this point is very
important for the following reasons:
  4.1 - Oracle has more know-how on this than any community member can
possible have. So it does not make sense for community members which are
less prepared to accomplish this to be the stewards of such effort. It
would be like asking a sailor to command a ship and have the captain mop
the floors of the deck.
  4.2 - By having Oracle as the steward, businesses will be more inclined
in betting on developing projects for iOS/Android/Windows phone. This is a
credibility issue.
  4.3 - By having Oracle as the steward community members are more inclined
to help and contribute than say contributing to RoboVM. No offense intended
here, I think RoboVM is a great effort and probably the best thing to
happen on the javafx space since its start.

My 2 cents,

Thanks, regards,

Pedro Duque Vieira

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