How to report RT-30362 regressing on b114?

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at
Wed Nov 20 07:32:54 PST 2013

Please open a new bug. If you can link it to the original bug that would 
be helpful.


-- Kevin

ngalarneau at wrote:
> Hello,
> How do I report a regression?
> It looks to me like RT-32636/RT-30362 has regressed on b114.
> On Win7, my JavaFX app & ScenicView DP4, both running Java8 b114 have 
> mostly black screens when coming out of Screen Lock.
> SceneBuilder, which reports it is running b113, looks fine.
> What is the proper procedure for reporting this? Add a comment to one of 
> the bug reports? Open a new one? Something else?
> Thanks,
> Neil
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