HEADS-UP: switching to gradle 1.8 for next week's build

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at oracle.com
Wed Nov 20 09:24:16 PST 2013


Primarily to fix https://javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/RT-34171 we are 
upgrading our build environment for JavaFX 8 from gradle 1.4 to gradle 
1.8. This will be done prior to next week's build for b118. I've been 
running gradle 1.8 for almost two weeks with no issues, and I know other 
have as well. We are doing final testing of the b117 bundles (a build of 
the b117 sources using gradle-1.8 will be compared with the 
gradle-1.4-built production).

It will continue to be buildable with gradle 1.4 unless / until someone 
pushes a change requiring 1.8, but all developers are encouraged to 
upgrade to gradle 1.8 at their earliest convenient.

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

-- Kevin

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