HEADS-UP: switching to gradle 1.8 for next week's build

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at oracle.com
Wed Nov 20 10:31:43 PST 2013

Hi Mario,

I am usually reluctant to have build tools changes in an update release, 
too, so we will certainly take your concern very seriously.

As for JavaFX 8 entering maintenance mode, we expect to do most of our 
work over the next few months in 8u20 (rather than 9), since we are 
deferring a lot of bugs out of 8. Any new features will be done in 9, 
but probably not until after 8u20 is in very good shape.

-- Kevin

Mario Torre wrote:
> 2013/11/20 Kevin Rushforth <kevin.rushforth at oracle.com 
> <mailto:kevin.rushforth at oracle.com>>
>     We might do an upgrade during some JDK 8u release (e.g., 8u20 or
>     8u40), but there would need to be a good reason to do so.
> Hmmm, I really hope this won't be done, it would likely prevent to 
> release newer JavaFX (meaning more work to backport fixes).
> Will JavaFX 8 enter maintainance mode? I was of the idea that once 
> OpenJFX8 is released for JDK8 then all the development would go into 
> *JFX9 for *JDK9 (with only bug fixing and perhaps stabilisation 
> fixes), no?
> Cheers,
> Mario
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