HEADS-UP: switching to gradle 1.8 for next week's build
Mario Torre
neugens.limasoftware at gmail.com
Wed Nov 20 11:45:41 PST 2013
Hi Scott,
The issue me and Keving were discussing is not much about being able to use
the correct version of Gradle for JavaFX developers, but having such
version a moving target for packaging. If you're building locally, there's
no real problem, but for packaging and distribution in a Linux distro like
Fedora or Ubuntu or SuSe having dependencies that keep changing is very
Of course, upstream should rarely care about those problems unless they
want to be nice for downstream users :)
I hope this explain a bit more why my concerns regarding this topic.
2013/11/20 Scott Palmer <swpalmer at gmail.com>
> Consider using the gradle wrapper. That should eliminate issues with
> Linux distributions not having the right version of Gradle or any devs
> needing to worry about being on the "official" version. Those wanting to
> test with more recent version will still be able to do so.
> http://www.gradle.org/docs/current/userguide/gradle_wrapper.html
> Scott
> On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 1:31 PM, Kevin Rushforth <
> kevin.rushforth at oracle.com> wrote:
>> Hi Mario,
>> I am usually reluctant to have build tools changes in an update release,
>> too, so we will certainly take your concern very seriously.
>> As for JavaFX 8 entering maintenance mode, we expect to do most of our
>> work over the next few months in 8u20 (rather than 9), since we are
>> deferring a lot of bugs out of 8. Any new features will be done in 9, but
>> probably not until after 8u20 is in very good shape.
>> -- Kevin
>> Mario Torre wrote:
>>> 2013/11/20 Kevin Rushforth <kevin.rushforth at oracle.com <mailto:
>>> kevin.rushforth at oracle.com>>
>>> We might do an upgrade during some JDK 8u release (e.g., 8u20 or
>>> 8u40), but there would need to be a good reason to do so.
>>> Hmmm, I really hope this won't be done, it would likely prevent to
>>> release newer JavaFX (meaning more work to backport fixes).
>>> Will JavaFX 8 enter maintainance mode? I was of the idea that once
>>> OpenJFX8 is released for JDK8 then all the development would go into *JFX9
>>> for *JDK9 (with only bug fixing and perhaps stabilisation fixes), no?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Mario
>>> --
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