Slider CSS skinning

Jonathan Giles jonathan.giles at
Wed Nov 27 14:52:21 PST 2013

File a Jira tweak request. It would require a region to be available
within the slider that does not presently exist. A similar thing is done
for the ControlsFX RangeSlider control:

-- Jonathan

On 28/11/2013 11:22 a.m., Pedro Duque Vieira wrote:
> Hi,
> Is it possible to style the slider color from the start until the position
> of the thumb only?
> I'm trying to skin the slider to look like one from windows 8:
> >From what I've seen of the code this does not seem possible.
> I think this should be possible as there are several operating systems
> whose sliders show a color between the start and the the thumb position.
> Thanks, regards,

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