Moving on to a "round house kick" (forked from Re: JavaOne roundup?)

Richard Bair richard.bair at
Tue Oct 1 15:59:41 PDT 2013

Hi Matthias,

> Why do you guys always talk about embedded development? The old days of embbedded stuff have been without an OS.
> What we are talking about are not really embedded platforms, these are Desktop systems like Linux/Android (linux base)/iOS (berkley based) with
> energy optimized kernels which are primary used on an ARM CPUs. From my point of view the summary of an ARM cpu, operating systems and toolkits build the platform.
> Unfortunately, I missed the Freescale announcment. How could I miss it? (I used to work with their Motorola dev boards back in time)
> I read this announcement and now I hopefully understand the idea where JavaFX should end up.
> Oracle wants to establish a network of little running devices based on Linux/JavaFX build inside any electric device.
> Now I understand everything much better.
> off topic:
> Nice idea, but keep in mind we have 2013 and it is the phase of consolidation in the software and OS market.
> The costumer don't want a closed system. Just one question. 
> You want to buy a fridge in late 2014 with a tablet interface on the front door. You are in a very big Target super market.
> There you will find one with "JavaFX powered" logo and another one with "Google Android". Which one do you buy?

The key value proposition of Android is a market for apps. Are you going to have an app store and random 3rd party apps for your refrigerator? If so, Android may make good sense. If you're doing your own in-house software development, then what advantage is there to Android? The same can be said for a multitude of devices and products.

JavaFX runs as fast or faster, runs on cheap hardware, is completely open source, etc. Oracle has some great embedded VM's and a lot of acceptance in this market.

I can't predict the future but we've got a strong position, both on the business side and the technology side, in this market.


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