Lambdafication (was Re: Default methods in JFX-8)
Sven Reimers
sven.reimers at
Fri Oct 4 05:19:27 PDT 2013
Oh and btw - would you go for lambda with or without additional type info
before parameter name?
On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 2:05 PM, Sven Reimers <sven.reimers at> wrote:
> Ok. Here you go...
> I just did an inspection run for the controls module and my IDE came up
> with (drum roll) 888 possible lambda conversions..
> Looking through them I discovered that usage of <> (aka diamond syntax) is
> not used (or at least not used a lot) in at least the controls modules.
> My IDE showed me 1171 occurrences.
> Is there a good reason not to use diamonds?
> Will now try to apply all those changes and figure out if this still
> builds... up next: go through the other modules...
> -Sven
> On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 1:35 AM, Richard Bair <richard.bair at>wrote:
>> Brian was telling me at J1 that whether parallel gets you performance or
>> not depends on the size of the collection and the complexity of the work to
>> perform. There is definitely a point at which parallel helps -- and a point
>> at which it hurts.
>> Richard
>> On Oct 3, 2013, at 3:33 PM, Hervé Girod <herve.girod at> wrote:
>> > Here is a nice example, taking advantage of the ease of going parallel.
>> Apparently the performance without parallel will also further improve.
>> >
>> > Hervé
>> >
>> > Sent from my iPad
>> >
>> >> On 4 oct. 2013, at 00:20, David Grieve <david.grieve at>
>> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> And what about Stream? I like the declarative code that comes from
>> using Stream and I can see places in the code where Stream could be used,
>> but I wonder about its performance relative to iterators and/or enhanced
>> for loops.
>> >>
>> >> On Oct 3, 2013, at 4:45 PM, Richard Bair <richard.bair at>
>> wrote:
>> >>
>> >>>> Hello, OpenJFX Community.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> There's a question about using Java 8 features in FX.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> I've been working on the support for InputMethods in JFXPanel which
>> is an important feature for many users who speak hieroglyphic languages.
>> >>>> The issue is tracked under:
>> >>>>
>> >>>> In order to have a high-quality support we need to change
>> javafx.scene.input.InputMethodRequests interface and introduce 3 new
>> methods. This is not needed for pure FX applications right now, but
>> absolutely required for InputMethods in the JFXPanel. However, the
>> interface is public and it was present since FX2.0, so changing it would
>> become a breaking change. So the only way to avoid the problem is using the
>> default methods. Those would return some stub values, the JDK is OK with
>> that, as it would not crash or throw exceptions, but text composition would
>> not work correctly.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> I know that we want to avoid using the Java 8 features in the JFX-8,
>> so I wanted to ask - is it OK to use the default methods here?
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> If you are staying away from JDK8 features for the JFX78 backport,
>> don't worry. There are more issues with new JDK8 APIs than with the new
>> language features.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> For example there were default methods put into some collections
>> classes that we solved by pushing them down to the first implements. But
>> the Date and Time picker depends on the new time package. The threeten
>> backport won't be updated until after 8 ships, so that has been removed so
>> far.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> I'de be interested to know what a wholesale lamdaization would
>> result in speed wise and code size wise (both source and compiled). From
>> what I can tell the IDEs can lambda and de-lambda fairly easily, so it jsut
>> makes the backport more of a busy work proposition. If there were
>> performance gains it would also make a great front page story in the next
>> java magazine or a case study..
>> >>>
>> >>> After having used Lambda's for JavaOne, I'd love to make the
>> conversion, even if in the end the performance was the same, because the
>> savings in noise in the Java files is so big. At one time I just took the
>> concurrent classes and lambda-ized them to measure the impact on those
>> classes. You could maybe pick a package and just lambda-ize that one
>> package and see what happens in terms of size reduction. We might see:
>> >>>
>> >>> + A reduction in the overall class size (not pack-200'd)
>> >>> - An increase in startup time (have to spin up synthetic classes
>> created at usage time)
>> >>> +/- And increase or decrease in performance
>> >>> + A decrease in source code
>> >>>
>> >>> It would be interesting to get some data for these points and see
>> what effect lambda's have. Especially if an IDE can just do it in bulk…
>> >>>
>> >>> Richard
>> >>
> --
> Sven Reimers
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