Matthias Hänel haenel at
Mon Oct 14 00:01:21 PDT 2013

Hi Tomas,

thanks for your fast answer.

Am 12.10.2013 um 14:04 schrieb Tomas Brandalik <tomas.brandalik at>:

> I think that PlatformLogger initialization in CssHelper was causing problems. I had to write one.

I took the compat library fro robovm. I believe this should be sufficient. But the CssStyleHelper was still causing problems.

> Not 100% sure though I will look at it when I'm back in the office. (Or you can comment out css processing in the node.) I was able to run without font then.

Commenting out Css processing in the node is a good I idea which I tried yesterday but the I ran into other errors 
that will be caused by the same reason front is missing.

I would be great, I you could give me a direction for further investigation.


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