Richard Bair richard.bair at
Mon Oct 14 06:49:18 PDT 2013

Hi Matthias,

> The main point of irritation comes from an quite unclear position about providing the JVM and JFX of the Java-platform. 
> That's why I will sumarize what I heard between the lines:
> 1. there is NO official jvm planned for iOS and Android in the near future.
> 2. jfx8 is beeing officially maintained until some point for iOS and Android but the actual port is left to the open source community.
> 3. Linux ARM support is beeing focused officially on the Freescale ARM-platform.

That is right.

> our conclusion is:
> 1. that's not that bad anymore since we have RoboVM for iOS and Davlik on Android.
> 2. this statement should have been made 1 year ago. Probably, I missed it but it was not clear to my team as well until last week.
>   That's why we took the challenge to do it our selves.

You rock :-)

> 3. This is good for the open source development since we probably can rely on the CPU optimized parts for ARM.

This exactly. All the work we do for embedded translates directly to iOS and android, since it is the same hardware and graphics chips.


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