hg: openjfx/8/graphics/rt: [RT-32802] Lens: touch events are not handled corectly - step 2

hang.vo at oracle.com hang.vo at oracle.com
Tue Oct 15 02:37:42 PDT 2013

Changeset: de742211e084
Author:    Assaf Yavani
Date:      2013-10-15 12:27 +0300
URL:       http://hg.openjdk.java.net/openjfx/8/graphics/rt/rev/de742211e084

[RT-32802] Lens: touch events are not handled corectly - step 2

Summary: in this patch:
1) added touch screen protocol detection (not fully used yet)
2) downgrade protocol B device to protocol A, our code can handle it
3) converted ST devices events into same data structures used by MT
4) remove touch events handling from key event handling
5) due to item #4 added missing functionality for 'no new events, but some old events -> release points'

As a result:
a)all touch event are processed by the same code
b) mouse handling and mouse synthesizing is done is standalone code
c)exception throwing have decreased dramatically (still happening when pushing it.... see JIRA for details)

This webrev include step1.1 changes as crusiable couldn't attached the diff into a repository, although step 1.1 was already committed (timing i guess) - so please ignore them

1) extended multi touch event toString() for debugging

Tested by: running helloworld.HelloSanity::controls and LinuxInputTests

Reviewed-by: David Hill (ddhill), Lisa Selle (lisa.selle at oracle.com), Rafi Tayar (rafi.tayar at oracle.com) and Daniel Blaukopf (dblaukop)


! modules/graphics/src/main/java/com/sun/glass/ui/lens/LensApplication.java
! modules/graphics/src/main/native-glass/lens/input/android/androidLens.c
! modules/graphics/src/main/native-glass/lens/input/udev/udevInput.c
! modules/graphics/src/main/native-glass/lens/input/x11Container/x11Input.c
! modules/graphics/src/main/native-glass/lens/lensRFB/rfb.c
! modules/graphics/src/main/native-glass/lens/wm/LensWindowManager.c
! modules/graphics/src/main/native-glass/lens/wm/LensWindowManager.h
! modules/graphics/src/main/native-glass/lens/wm/robot.c

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