FX 8 ramp down

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at oracle.com
Tue Oct 15 17:45:23 PDT 2013

In order to let community members know what is going on with the bugs, 
etc., targeted to Lombard (FX 8), here is the current status.

We are continuing to ramp-down the FX 8 release in conjunction with the 
ramp-down of JDK 8. Here are the key dates to be aware of for FX fixes 
that are going into FX 8:

10/24 - 12/4 : P1 - P3 bugs may be fixed, with code review, but no 
additional approval needed
12/5 - end of release : Only release-critical bugs may be fixed, release 
team approval needed

This means that any P4 - P5 bugs that are not fixed by 10/23 will be 
deferred out of FX 8. It also means that any enhancement requests (Tweak 
or Feature) regardless of priority will likely be deferred out of FX 8. 
Exceptions will require release team approval, and such approval is 

Note that we are currently using "Van Ness" as a placeholder for both 
JDK 9 and JDK 8u releases. We will soon be adopting the same release 
versions as used by the JDK.

-- Kevin

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