Constructor annotation

Jack Moxley jack at
Wed Oct 16 04:12:53 PDT 2013

I would prefer @FXMLConstructor and for the names of the parameters to   be automagicaly detected and linked, and then an optional @FXMLArgument   to allow us to specify if the actual name deviates from the name of the   parameter.

I understand this can be an issue, as parameter names   are not retained, but we can fetch either from the debugging symbols, or   at compile time.  _____  

From: Claus Luethje [mailto:Claus.Luethje at]
To: Eva Krejcirova [mailto:eva.krejcirova at], openjfx-dev at [mailto:openjfx-dev at]
Sent: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 11:26:12 +0000
Subject: RE: Constructor annotation

  I'd prefer the second option, because the correlation of the order of arguments in the annotation and in the constructors parameters is irritating and error prone.
  The way it is structured in option two is seen elsewhere also. So, nothing new to learn/absorb.
  @FXMLArgument is a useful name to describe what's going on.
  My 2 cents...
  -----Original Message-----
  From: openjfx-dev-bounces at [mailto:openjfx-dev-bounces at] On Behalf Of Eva Krejcirova
  Sent: Mittwoch, 16. Oktober 2013 11:22
  To: openjfx-dev at
  Subject: Constructor annotation
  Hi All,
  when we retired builders, we caused a problem for FXML which doesn't have a way to create classes without default constructors. Back then we decided to use an annotation for this but never actually got to implement it and we need to fix this for FX8. I am in the process of adding this functionality to FXMLLoader but we need to decide how the annotation will look like and I could use some help with this.
  We cannot use already existing ConstructorProperties for this, because it's java.beans package and we don't want to create to dependency on this package in JavaFX, so we need to introduce a new annotation.
  We have two options:
  1. Annotate the whole constructor:
       @ConstructorArguments({"a", "b", "list"})
       public ImmutableClass(int a, int b, Integer... list)
  2. Annotate the arguments:
       public ImmutableClass(@FXMLArgument("a") int a, @FXMLArgument("b")int b, @FXMLArgument("list")Integer... list)
  Which option do you like more and how should the annotation be named?

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