V-up texture coordinate support

Chien Yang chien.yang at oracle.com
Thu Oct 17 15:08:39 PDT 2013

Hi all,

      Java images are defined such that (0, 0) references the top left 
most pixel of the image. In JavaFX, the texture coordinate system for 3D 
objects is defined with its U axis increasing from left to right and the 
V axis increasing from top to bottom. Hence a texture coordinate of (0, 
0) references pixel (0, 0), which is the top left corner of the texture, 
and a texture coordinate of (1, 1) references the bottom right corner of 
the texture. This system matches the layout of the image, which is 
stored such that the top-most row of pixels ends up in memory in row 0. 
It also matches with the default 3D coordinate system used in JavaFX 
where the X axis increases from left to right and the Y axis increases 
from top to bottom.

      We understand that this V-down coordinate system maybe confusing 
or hard to work with for some 3D content developers when using models 
that are defined with Y-up. We could add a V-up option (as a boolean 
property of Shape3D). If set, we would flip the texture coordinates when 
rendering, such that:  V' = 1 - V.

     However it is very late in this release to consider any more 
changes, so our plan is to add this option in a post FX 8 release if it 
turns out to be needed. Please let us know right away if there is a 
compelling need for V-up support in the FX 8 release.

- Kevin and Chien

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