Media is now opensource

Scott Palmer swpalmer at
Fri Oct 18 11:53:04 PDT 2013

I propose the codecs be made pluggable.  The licensing issue can be left to the application developer.

Once that is in place, support for whatever codec you wish can be added. FFMPEG could be used as an example.
I'm against adding any new codecs without first putting in a user-extensible codec mechanism that does not require modifying JavaFX to support new formats.  I.e. make the dog food first, then eat it.


On 2013-10-18, at 2:03 PM, Kirill Kirichenko <kirill.kirichenko at> wrote:

> Media is very regulated area in legal terms. Using different codecs may involve using and even violating some license agreements.
> Anyway you're welcome to propose anything.
> On 18.10.2013 21:37, Robert Krüger wrote:
>> Great news!
>> Does this mean that it is now possible to add support for more
>> demuxers/decoders e.g. by utilizing stuff from other projects (ffmpeg
>> comes to mind)?
>> On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 6:35 PM, Kirill Kirichenko
>> <kirill.kirichenko at> wrote:
>>> Hello OpenJFXers !
>>> We're happy to announce that Media part of JavaFX is now open source.
>>> Opensourcing touched all Media component except ON2 FLV demuxer and VP6
>>> decoder. The decoder will remain closed.
>>> You're all welcome to contribute.
>>> Thanks,
>>> K

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