iOS Default font is wrong

Oldrich Maticka oldrich.maticka at
Wed Oct 30 13:17:17 PDT 2013

At least on iOS 7.0 - recommended (default) font for UIButton is not 
bold.  It is System 15.0 (family: Helvetica Neue, style: Regular, size: 
15.0) in Interface Builder.


On 10/30/13 8:41 PM, Felipe Heidrich wrote:
> Could we call UIFont using Objective-C Runtime
> Something like:
> id class_UIFont = objc_getClass("UIFont");
> SEL sel_labelFontSize = sel_registerName("labelFontSize");
> float size = objc_msgSend_fpret(class_UIFont, sel_labelFontSize);
> ?
> Anyway, we are back to the original question: What font to use.
> Reading Richard's original request we are still not getting the recommend font which is bold.
> I start to think the answer to get this right in the CSS…
> Felipe
> On Oct 30, 2013, at 10:14 AM, Oldrich Maticka <oldrich.maticka at> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> CTFontCreateUIFontForLanguage() returns fonts with same sizes for both iOS and Mac OS X. See table below.
>> Unfortunately I made a mistake when I wrote 15.0 for CTFontCreateUIFontForLanguage(kCTFontPushButtonFontType) font size, unfortunately it is 13.0. Other sizes reported were correct (I have verified it yet once).
>> iPad3 (iOS7.0)	MacOSX 10.8
>> kCTFontUserFontType	12	12
>> kCTFontUserFixedPitchFontType	10	10
>> kCTFontSystemFontType	13	13
>> kCTFontEmphasizedSystemFontType	13	13
>> kCTFontSmallSystemFontType	11	11
>> kCTFontSmallEmphasizedSystemFontType	11	11
>> kCTFontMiniSystemFontType	9	9
>> kCTFontMiniEmphasizedSystemFontType	9	9
>> kCTFontViewsFontType	12	12
>> kCTFontApplicationFontType	13	13
>> kCTFontLabelFontType	10	10
>> kCTFontMenuTitleFontType	14	14
>> kCTFontMenuItemFontType	14	14
>> kCTFontMenuItemMarkFontType	14	14
>> kCTFontMenuItemCmdKeyFontType	14	14
>> kCTFontWindowTitleFontType	13	13
>> kCTFontPushButtonFontType	13	13
>> kCTFontUtilityWindowTitleFontType	11	11
>> kCTFontAlertHeaderFontType	13	13
>> kCTFontSystemDetailFontType	9	9
>> kCTFontEmphasizedSystemDetailFontType	9	9
>> kCTFontToolbarFontType	11	11
>> kCTFontSmallToolbarFontType	10	10
>> kCTFontMessageFontType	13	13
>> kCTFontPaletteFontType	11	11
>> kCTFontToolTipFontType	11	11
>> kCTFontControlContentFontType	12	12
>> Oldrich
>> On 10/30/13 4:38 PM, Felipe Heidrich wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Correct me if I'm wrong, to use UIWhatever or NSWhatever we will need Objective-C (or use the ugly objc_msgSend).
>>> That is more work as we don't have Objective-C in native font code. Besides, creating a Button requires, usually,  a lot more boilerplate code. We will also have to link to UIKit frameworks, etc.
>>> Now, creating a CTFont using  CTFontCreateUIFontForLanguage(kCTFontPushButtonFontType) would be a very easy change.
>>> Oldrich, could you please prepare a table with the fontSize for all values on  CTFontUIFontType for MacOSX and iOS ?
>>> Thanks
>>> On Oct 30, 2013, at 6:38 AM, Stephen F Northover <steve.x.northover at> wrote:
>>>> Let's use UIButton as this seems to match the stack overflow discussion.
>>>> Steve
>>>> On 2013-10-30 7:51 AM, Oldrich Maticka wrote:
>>>>> I have tried simple app with several controls. Fonts in Interface Builder -
>>>>> UIButton - System 15.0
>>>>> UILabel  - System 17.0
>>>>> UITextField - System 14.0
>>>>> UITextView - System 14.0
>>>>> Same fontsize - 15.0 has UIButton's label created at runtime.
>>>>> UIFont class methods for getting system font information return:
>>>>> + labelFontSize             17.0
>>>>> + buttonFontSize          18.0
>>>>> + smallSystemFontSize 12.0
>>>>> + systemFontSize         14.0
>>>>> In fx Java_com_sun_javafx_font_MacFontFinder_getSystemFontSize returns 13.0
>>>>> We can use different CTFontUIFontType in this method to return something "better" than 13.0 -
>>>>> e.g. with kCTFontPushButtonFontType as an argument to CTFontCreateUIFontForLanguage() it returns 15.0, but we need to decide, what we want to use as default. Should be our system default the size same as for UIButton, UILabel or other control?
>>>>> I was using iPad3 (iOS 7.0, Xcode 5.0).
>>>>> Olda
>>>>> On 10/29/13 7:32 PM, Stephen F Northover wrote:
>>>>>> I was going to create a dummy control (say a Button) and ask for the font.  Just an idea.
>>>>>> Steve
>>>>>> On 2013-10-29 2:18 PM, Felipe Heidrich wrote:
>>>>>>> The code Richard sent is creating a dummy font and asking for its size.
>>>>>>> The problem is that there are about 3 thousand different fonts on the Mac ;-)
>>>>>>> Here we are creating a CTFont. For Mac OS X most native apps probably would be using a NSFont (cause that is what cocoa controls take). Likewise on iOS I think the "common" font is UIFont (cause I think that is what UIKIt controls take).
>>>>>>> Could anyone fire up Xcode, create a dummy iOS app, create a UIFont and see what is the size ?
>>>>>>> Felipe
>>>>>>> On Oct 29, 2013, at 8:40 AM, Stephen F Northover <steve.x.northover at> wrote:
>>>>>>>> If the OS is reporting the wrong value for the default a classic trick is to create a dummy control that normally has the font we want and query that.
>>>>>>>> Steve
>>>>>>>> On 2013-10-29 11:21 AM, Richard Bair wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi guys,
>>>>>>>>> The default font for iOS is supposed to be System Bold 15 (according to anyway), and it does look more correct to me. Our code is getting to this native method in MacFontFinder.c
>>>>>>>>> JNIEXPORT jfloat JNICALL Java_com_sun_javafx_font_MacFontFinder_getSystemFontSize
>>>>>>>>>    (JNIEnv *env, jclass obj)
>>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>>      CTFontRef font = CTFontCreateUIFontForLanguage(
>>>>>>>>>                           kCTFontSystemFontType,
>>>>>>>>>                           0.0, //get system font with default size
>>>>>>>>>                           NULL);
>>>>>>>>>      jfloat systemFontDefaultSize = (jfloat) CTFontGetSize (font);
>>>>>>>>>      CFRelease(font);
>>>>>>>>>      return systemFontDefaultSize;
>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>> However it appears the return value is 13 instead of 15 (and I don't know what the actual default font family / weight is that we're returning). It is possible the answer coming from this native API call is "wrong". Any ideas?
>>>>>>>>> Richard

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