Checkboxes in a combobox popup

Werner Lehmann lehmann at
Fri Sep 13 15:13:34 PDT 2013


I am displaying checkboxes in the popup of a combobox via custom cell 
factory. Only problem is that a click on the checkbox actually hides the 
popup, even before that checkbox was selected. As I can see, the 
combobox skin has a MOUSE_PRESSED event filter which hides the popup.

Current workaround is:
- get the listview from the combobox skin
- set a MOUSE_PRESSED filter on its parent
- in the filter detect a click on a checkbox (sets a flag)
- override combobox.hide, ignore the hide if the flag was set before

The other workaround is to make listview think that the click was on a 
scrollbar by adding "track" to the styleclasses of all checkbox skin 
nodes. Then the listview would ignore the click, too.

Both options seem to be... less optimal. Any other idea?


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