JavaOne roundup?

Tobias Bley tobi at
Mon Sep 30 02:30:49 PDT 2013

Is there any good „how to make a JavaFX based app for iOS with bck2brwsr“ ? Or is there any maven or IDE plugin to test the project within one hour?

Am 30.09.2013 um 11:25 schrieb Anton Epple <toni.epple at>:

> Performance differs depending on the browser. bck2brwsr is heavily optimized for Chrome. The demos I've seen are running with 40-50FPS on Chrome but much slower in Firefox. Performance on Chrome seemed definitely good enough to create "normal" applications. Being aware that some things are not yet supported, bck2brwsr is currently a working solution to get JavaFX on any device that has a modern Browser.
> --Toni
> Am 30.09.2013 um 10:04 schrieb Felix Bembrick <felix.bembrick at>:
>> How well does a JavaFX application perform in what is a fully interpreted environment like bck2brwsr?
>> On 30 Sep 2013, at 17:45, Anton Epple <toni.epple at> wrote:
>>> I'm also optimistic. We've all seen that it's  possible from the technical side… I think it takes quite some time to get legal approvement inside Oracle to show something. Probably those guys simply didn't get their talks approved in time. 
>>> BTW: There's a new implementation of JavaFX available using the bck2brwsr project:
>>> It renders to HTML5 Canvas and runs in any modern browser including Android phones and iPad/iPhone. Using Cordova, you can bundle as native apps.
>>> --Toni
>>> Am 30.09.2013 um 08:50 schrieb Felix Bembrick <felix.bembrick at>:
>>>> No, you are *not* the only one. We *all* need it.  In fact, without it  happening soon, JavaFX is already dead.
>>>> But let's not give up yet.  Perhaps it's closer than we know. I am a glass half full kinda guy :-)
>>>>> On 30 Sep 2013, at 16:40, Tobias Bley <tobi at> wrote:
>>>>> I suppose „legal reasons“….
>>>>> For me it’s very frustrating to see every year the same procedure: JavaFX-iOS/Android related tracks were canceled - „nerd“ stuff like Rasp.PI, DukePad & Co were announced. Maybe I’m really the only one who needs JavaFX on mobile to use JavaFX on desktop as well… :(
>>>>>> Am 29.09.2013 um 18:13 schrieb Jeff Martin <jeff at>:
>>>>>> It seems the JFX on iOS/Android were cancelled at the last moment. I tried to keep expectations low this year, but I admit I harbored secret hopes based on those sessions (a few embarrassingly optimistic conversations with clients notwithstanding).
>>>>>> Last week Tomas offered this:
>>>>>>> about cancelled sessions please contact Mr. JavaOne stephen.chin at I believe he will give satisfactory answer.
>>>>>> I'd like to take him up on that satisfactory offer. Also, can we run the name "DukePad" by marketing again?
>>>>>> :-)
>>>>>> jeff
>>>>>>> On Sep 29, 2013, at 12:12 AM, Daniel Zwolenski <zonski at> wrote:
>>>>>>> The sessions aren't up yet from the looks of it. It would be great to get an overall roundup of any new announcements or directions in any case. Given this is the developer community network it would make sense in my mind to highlight stuff like that in here. 
>>>>>>> For me, I'd love it if someone could quickly sum up any announcements or sessions made about JavaFX for iOS, Android or in the deployment space? 
>>>>>>> What happened at the sessions Tobi highlighted before (, did anyone go to these and able to give us some info?
>>>>>>>> On 27/09/2013, at 7:07 AM, Richard Bair <richard.bair at> wrote:
>>>>>>>> The sessions, I think, are all being uploaded to Parley's (, although I don't see any content there yet (not sure how long it will take them to post-process, but usually it is pretty fast).
>>>>>>>> Richard
>>>>>>>>> On Sep 26, 2013, at 2:00 PM, Daniel Zwolenski <zonski at> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Has anyone done or seen any good roundups (text or video) of the JavaOne sessions relating to javafx?

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