Why is com.sun.glass.ui.swt part of graphics-module

Stephen F Northover steve.x.northover at oracle.com
Wed Apr 2 15:13:21 UTC 2014

Hi Tom,

This is an experimental SWT implementation of Glass that is used for 
debugging, benchmarking etc. purposes.  It's unlikely that we will ever 
ship it as part of FX.  You are right that it can't be part of jfxrt.jar 
and should it ever become more than that, it would need to be in a 
separate jar, perhaps part of swtfx.jar.


On 2014-04-02 3:43 AM, Tom Schindl wrote:
> Hi Steve & others,
> Why is com.sun.glass.ui.swt part of the graphics module? Should it go
> into the swt one?
> I think it should be shipped with swtfx.jar not else we get back to
> classloader hell because the extension classloader tries to load classes
> from swt which it naturally can not find.
> Tom

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