JavaFX 2 + with LWJGL ( OpenGL )
Exo Verse
toraktu at
Sun Apr 6 14:31:52 UTC 2014
Can you please explain what True 3D means in terms of Low Level API ?
Because with LWJGL I can use Low Level API to talk directly to my Video
Card. As a game dev, I need every ounce of umph from the card I can get,
and using a browser or any other kind of wrapper hasn't proven very
efficient. I love LWJGL because of its simplicity. Anything extra I need, I
am allowed to make on my own. Example, my own Game Engine.
And that is where I am at. So if your speaking about Nodes, I am aware
there is a hierarchy to the JavaFX2 when setting up the GUI, but that is
the only thing I knew existed. Could you please elaborate what makes
JavaFX8 a True 3D Low Level interface API ? Because from the presentation,
you have to go through two layers before you have to get to the OpenGL
layer. Where as if I can use LWJGL, I can skip a level.
If I am misinformed on something, please, explain. Because I am new to
On Sun, Apr 6, 2014 at 10:24 AM, Hervé Girod <herve.girod at> wrote:
> With Java 8 (JavaFX 8), you now have true 3D Nodes, with camera,
> texturing, etc... However it would still be very interesting to be able to
> control the low-level rendering of JavaFX, such as using LWJGL for example.
> This would allow to render JavaFx content in an external OpenGL context for
> example.
> Hervé
> Sent from my iPad
> > On 6 avr. 2014, at 14:42, Exo Verse <toraktu at> wrote:
> >
> > Hello, I have been working with OpenGL and LWJGL for over 5 years now. I
> > want to switch over to using JavaFX 2, because of its GUI abilities and
> > still use LWJGL with it. But I can't seem to find a way to do this. I
> saw a
> > 2 hour video that described the features of JavaFX 2 and it even shown
> the
> > layout.. OpenGL was there at the bottom with D3D with Prism above both
> of
> > them in the hierarchy. I have searched the web and I can't find prism, I
> > can't find info on how to talk to opengl and I can't find any tutorials
> > anywhere. So I am posting here to see what I can find. I do NOT like
> > I prefer LWJGL. So far, the only thing related to 3D with regards to
> JavaFX
> > is the very resource intensive Canvas3D, which I can't stand. Any ideas ?
> > Is it not implemented yet and its on its way ? I'm trying to find any
> info
> > I can about this. If there is nothing for LWJGL, then I can't use JavaFX.
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > Torak
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