Why can Scene's only be constructed on the UI thread?

Mike Hearn mike at plan99.net
Sat Apr 26 09:42:29 UTC 2014

I'm trying (mostly in vain) to optimise the startup time of my app. It
takes about a second to build the main GUI via FXMLLoader.load() - probably
because the GUI is getting a little bit complex but I think mostly because
it's all running interpreted, as it's one of the first things the app does.
Later loads of the same GUI take more like 100-200msec, presumably because
HotSpot went in and compiled it. But that's kind of useless for me. It's
the first load that counts.

So I figured I'd bring up a stage of the right size early with just a logo
and a loading indicator, and load the root Node of my UI on a background
thread so the user has something to look at for a moment whilst it's
hauling itself into memory.

My first attempt was to show the splash and then load the UI. Didn't work
of course, because the UI thread didn't get a chance to render. So then I
put it inside a Platform.runLater which also didn't work, the splash didn't
appear quickly enough.

So then I tried putting it in a background thread. This got the right
splash behaviour but it didn't work out of the box:  my GUI has tooltips
and context menus in it. These attempt to construct a Scene at load time,
which of course fails because it's not on the GUI thread. Once I commented
those out, I got the behaviour I wanted, but of course at the cost of

Given that these Scene's are not being rendered as they're not visible or
interactable, what's the reason they have to be built on the UI thread?

Also does anyone have any advice for making JFX8 apps that start really
fast? I tried parallelising most of the work my app is doing at startup and
annoyingly it hardly helped at all. Not sure why yet: perhaps the JVM or
the operating system is busy using the other core so all my threads get
scheduled onto the same chip.

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