Fwd: JavaFx roadmap?

Robert Krüger krueger at lesspain.de
Thu Aug 14 08:30:40 UTC 2014

Classic, forgot to post to list.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Robert Krüger <krueger at lesspain.de>
Date: Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 10:29 AM
Subject: Re: JavaFx roadmap?
To: Adam Granger <adam at adamish.com>

On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 11:08 PM, Adam Granger <adam at adamish.com> wrote:
> The official java fx roadmap on oracle.com seems to have been taken down,
> without replacement.
> http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javafx/overview/roadmap-1446331.html
> I've had a search in JIRA and there is clearly a lot of work going on.
> - What's the long term plan, target release dates, long term support dates?
> We're interested in this at work, but need to know oracle is committed
> to it.
> - What about features like multi-touch on Linux?
> - How will WebView ever keep up with the constantly evolving HTML5 platform?
> - Is Swing development really over?

As I am probably in a similar situation like you (wild guess) and I
have posted questions here with probably similar motivation (making
informed decisions regarding our product technology strategy), here
are my two cents:

Swing is likely to be available for at least another few years. It's
not deprecated in 8, so earliest to deprecate it is 9 and 10 is not
officially scheduled but Wikipedia guesses around 2018. Additionally
there are probably many Oracle support contract customers out there
that run Swing-based applications and I do not think it's likely
Oracle wants to piss them off by rushing out of Swing. The amount of
Swing development at Oracle (making new things like Retina support
work) is something nobody can predict. Depending on your product,
something like this may become a problem for you before Swing hits end
of life. In addition to that there are probably a number of larger
Swing-based Oracle applications (Netbeans being the largest one
probably) that would have to be migrated to JFX (or dumped) before
getting rid of Swing. Having said that, I don't think Oracle folks
will likely say anything that encourages people to wait with their
adoption of JFX for obvious reasons. The amount of work that is
obviously put into JFX is significant (judging by following this list
and Jira) and it does look very unlikely that it is going away.
Regarding adoption of JFX for me there is a bit of a chicken-egg
problem. My first research into migrating our stuff to JFX gave me the
impression that it is a great platform to work with, easily learned by
Swing developers with a lot of advantages over Swing regarding
maintainability of code among other things but there are still quite a
few bugs that simply show, it has not been used that much (as in
thousands or tens of thousands of production-quality applications
having been developed with it, not hello-world-style or free academic
applications where people do not complain as much about problems) and
that may be a reason to wait with adoption for some people (after all
pretty complex high-profile applications like Idea still work very
well with Swing although development, especially as look-and-feel
customization is concerned, is very clumsy compared to JFX). Response
to JFX Jira bug reports is outstanding, though.

All in all not an easy call.



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