Some questions

Edu García arcnorj at
Thu Aug 14 23:04:25 UTC 2014

Created for the pixelated

In case nobody understood my requirements on my last point of my previous
message, what I want is to have the behaviour of that bug I found, but on
the screen and by choice :D

On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 7:21 AM, Edu García <arcnorj at> wrote:

> On Aug 12, 2014 6:59 AM, "Jim Graham" <james.graham at> wrote:
> >
> > On 8/9/14 3:19 PM, Edu García wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi, I have a few questions about JavaFX usage, I hope this is the right
> >> place to ask them:
> >>
> >> 1. I'm creating a Pane with a lot of shapes and resizing it to 128x128.
> I'm
> >> saving it as an image with snapshot() and SwingFXUtils.fromFXImage() (is
> >> there any other way?). Why is my saved image 129x129, instead of
> 128x128?
> >
> >
> > That's the only way currently.  When does it become 129x129?  Is the
> output of snapshot that size?  If it was positioned not on a pixel
> boundary, then it might go from 10.5 to 138.5 and we'd capture all pixels
> from 10 to 139 and get a size of 129.  Is something like that happening?
> >
> I'll need to check again, but my pane is not positioned anywhere, it might
> be at 0,0 (is the only JFX object I'm creating)
> >
> >> 2. With the same Pane and image, when working on a "Retina" system, the
> >> output is clearly pixelated, like the real resolution of the image
> should
> >> be 64x64. Is this a bug?
> >
> >
> > That would be a bug.  Is the resulting image 64x64, or 128x128?  We may
> be mis-applying the screen scale when we aren't talking to the screen.
> >
> The output image is 129x129, but it's pixelated, like it was rendered at
> 64x64 and then scaled at 2x.
> >
> >> 3. Non related to the previous, I want to have pixelated rendering (on
> the
> >> screen, not to a file) when I modify the scale of my pane or shapes. Is
> >> there a way of forcing JavaFX to do something like that? Or do I have to
> >> render to an image at 1:1 resolution, scale that and replace my pane
> with
> >> it? I'm assuming that will be a bit slow.
> >
> >
> > What do you mean by pixelated rendering?  I don't think we provide that,
> but I'm not 100% sure what you want there...
> >
> I want to simulate what will happen when saving my shapes to an image and
> then zooming in, like the pixelated output of Illustrator, or the look of
> an old videogame. So what I want is JFX to always render at the same
> resolution internally, and then scale that when showing it to the screen
> >                         ...jim
> Thank you!

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