Displaying pixel-perfect images without blur when zooming
Nico Krebs | www.mensch-und-maschine.de
nicokrebs.dev at googlemail.com
Wed Aug 27 09:10:17 UTC 2014
i just checked if the scrollpane is smoothing the images, but it`s not.
removing the scrollpane keeps images smoothed.
> Edu García <mailto:arcnorj at gmail.com>
> 26. August 2014 23:13
> I'm curious. Why setSmooth doesn't work?
> Also, do I really need to create an image in memory just to render
> something showing the pixels?
> Nico Krebs | www.mensch-und-maschine.de
> <mailto:nicokrebs.dev at googlemail.com>
> 26. August 2014 19:31
> Thanx for that quick response!
> It is the right direction, but doing this for one image is not enough.
> when having multiple images, the distances between them must be
> scaled, too.
> I will extend your example to scale all nodes and their positions,
> too. I try it tomorrow and post the result here.
> Nico
> Felipe Heidrich <mailto:felipe.heidrich at oracle.com>
> 26. August 2014 19:20
> Hi Nico,
> Is this what you looking for:
> Image image - the image to scale up
> int width = (int)image.getWidth();
> int height = (int)image.getHeight();
> int z = (int)getZoom(); // 2, 4, 8, 16 (I only tested for powers of two)
> IntBuffer src = IntBuffer.allocate(width * height);
> WritablePixelFormat<IntBuffer> pf =
> PixelFormat.getIntArgbInstance();
> image.getPixelReader().getPixels(0, 0, width, height, pf, src,
> width);
> int newWidth = width * z;
> int newHeight = height * z;
> int[] dst = new int[newWidth * newHeight];
> int index = 0;
> for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
> index = y * newWidth * z;
> for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
> int pixel = src.get();
> for (int i = 0; i < z; i++) {
> for (int j = 0; j < z; j++) {
> dst[index + i + (newWidth * j)] = pixel;
> }
> }
> index += z;
> }
> }
> WritableImage bigImage = new WritableImage(newWidth, newHeight);
> bigImage.getPixelWriter().setPixels(0, 0, newWidth,
> newHeight, pf, dst, 0, newWidth);
> preview.setImage(bigImage);
> preview.setFitWidth(newWidth);
> preview is ImageView where the scale up image is displayed.
> Felipe
> Nico Krebs | www.mensch-und-maschine.de
> <mailto:nicokrebs.dev at googlemail.com>
> 26. August 2014 19:00
> Hi there,
> i want to display multiple images (layers) inside a scene and want to be
> able to zoom without having "blurry" images as you can see in the images
> in the attachment (on the left you can see very big scaled pixels as i
> need it and on the right is the "blurry" JavaFX-Result on which i cannot
> identify single pixels.
> i used the zoom pane example from
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16680295/javafx-correct-scaling
> this is how i initialize my scene:
> ArrayList<ImageView> listOfImageViews = getImageViews();
> //imageviews are created from bufferedimages with:
> SwingFXUtils.toFXImage(image, null)
> final Group layerGroup = new Group(listOfImageViews);
> this.stackPane = new StackPane();
> stackPane.getChildren().add(layerGroup);
> scene = new Scene(stackPane);
> this.stackPane.getChildren().add(this.scrollPane);
> this.stackPane.getChildren().add(scrollPane.createZoomPane(listOfImageViews
> ));
> this.setScene(scene);
> and this is how zooming is done:
> ...//calculate scalefactor from scrolling
> ...
> layerGroup .setScaleX(layerGroup .getScaleX() * scaleFactor);
> layerGroup .setScaleY(layerGroup .getScaleY() * scaleFactor);
> ...
> when i zoom in so that i theoreticallly could see single pixels, all i
> see is a blurry area. (see examples)
> i know already that that`s JavaFX default behaviour and even if i set
> setSmooth(false), the antialiasing or precision errors or whatever is
> causing this, persists.
> is there perhaps another way? i am even willing to write my own
> implementation of Imageview if it would help.
> Can anybody please help me out?
> if you need more details, please ask :)
> thanks in advance and greetz,
> Nico
Nico Krebs
Michelangelostraße 1
01217 Dresden
web: www.mensch-und-maschine.de
mobil: 0162 / 85 89 667
mail: nicokrebs.dev at googlemail.com
skype: k-dottus
icq: 324 143 104
fax: 032 12 - 11 39 77 6
twitter: nico_krebs
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