[8u40] review request: RT-39590 TableCell border lines are rendered incorrectly

Jim Graham james.graham at oracle.com
Sat Dec 6 00:09:21 UTC 2014

Jira: https://javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/RT-39590
webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~flar/RT-39590/webrev.00/

I'm pretty sure these calls to setSmooth(false) are not intentional 
because the rectangles were used for rendering, not clipping, and they 
have always been rendered AA so far until Chien's recent fixes that made 
the smooth property operational for rendering.

The last file I had a question as to the validity of the 
setSmooth(false) since I wasn't 100% sure how those nodes would be used 
(for rendering or clipping).  I investigated and I'm 95% sure they are 
*not* used for clipping (where smooth-false would be interesting), but 
I'm not sure I understand all of the interactions in this code.  I'm 
hoping Jonathan can clarify...


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