Font derivation

Phil Race philip.race at
Tue Dec 9 23:39:35 UTC 2014

I missed that one. It was assigned a little oddly to someone not really 
working on fonts
so I've grabbed it and will address under that ID.


On 12/9/2014 3:31 PM, Jeff Hain wrote:
> >
> Created a JIRA account to be able to see this, but I still can't 
> (permission violation).
> Meanwhile, I saw this one, which seems to be what I ask for :
> - (Add withXxx semantics 
> to Font to create derived versions)
> And this one, which I had in mind too :
> - (Need font/text 
> measurement API)
> An ambiguous thing on this derivation topic is that there is a notion 
> of style intrinsic to fonts,
> like in "FreeMono.ttf is not bold, and FreeMono-Bold.ttf is bold", and 
> also a notion
> of style extrinsic to fonts, like when you use a font loaded from a 
> ".ttf" file with
> a custom weight, and these two notions are often mixed-up.
> >So if anyone (external) would like to file an RFE directly requesting it
> >along with justification, that might be better than me filing one.
> Better than a justification based on a particular use case, I think we 
> could
> just consider that it is a basic feature that should "of course" be 
> implemented ;)
> (especially not to introduce a "regression" for ex-AWT users, when 
> moving to JavaFX).
> But in case it could help, here is my use case :
> I'm working on set of basic interfaces on top of which I could build 
> basic UIs
> (I don't need FX things), the same way that most of my scheduling code 
> depends
> on a few interfaces like Executor, and not directly on 
> ThreadPoolExecutor or
> ForkJoinPool or else.
> I'm not only doing it not to tie high level UI code to a particular 
> low-to-high level
> UI framework, but also because I have some particular needs that 
> AWT/Swing/JavaFX
> don't support out of the box, and would make hard to implement.
> On the low-level side of all this, i.e. where these interfaces get 
> implemented,
> most things are working well so far (Graphics2D/GraphicsContext for 
> drawing,
> EDT/AppThread as UI thread, etc.), I'm just having this little and 
> unexpected
> trouble with JavaFX fonts.
> -Jeff

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