Heads up... changing the rt/build/*sdk/ directory

Scott Palmer swpalmer at gmail.com
Fri Feb 14 19:26:37 PST 2014

Are you guys using the NetBeans Gradle plugin?


On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 2:17 PM, Kevin Rushforth <kevin.rushforth at oracle.com
> wrote:

> Thanks David.
> For NB 7.4 (or 8) users, you should be able to just open up the apps
> projects in NB and have it work without needing to do anything extra.
> -- Kevin
> David Hill wrote:
>> As part of this Jira <https://javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/RT-35809>, we
>> are trying to make working in rt/apps easier.
>> To do that, we found that the only way to make the IDEs happy is be able
>> to provide a common path to "host build" jfxrt.jar.
>> Currently we have:
>>      rt/build/${hosttype}-sdk  (rt/build/linux-sdk/...)
>> which requires evaluation that Netbeans does not want to do.
>> We do need to support cross builds, so here is what we came up with,
>> explained here in the new improved comment from build.gradle
>>     // The jfxrt task is responsible for creating the jfxrt.jar. A
>> developer may
>>     // have multiple SDK's on their system at any one time, depending on
>> which
>>     // cross compiles they have done. For example, I might have:
>>     //      build/ios-sdk/rt/lib/ext/jfxrt.jar
>>     //      build/armhf-sdk/rt/lib/ext/jfxrt.jar
>>     // and so forth. The default host build will always install into 'sdk'
>>     // allowing for uses where a known sdk path is needed (like IDEs)
>>     //      build/sdk/rt/lib/ext/jfxrt.jar
>>     // This arrangement allows for multiple independent SDKs to
>>     // exist on a developer's system.
>> After you sync, you will probably want to perform a clean build.
>> And then try out the apps, in the new easier to use format.
>> Note: for now, you will still need to specify the JDK for ant/nb, like
>> this:
>>     ant -Dplatforms.JDK_1.8.home=$JAVA_HOME

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