OpenJFX Lambda Day, Feb 25th 2014
Martin Sladecek
martin.sladecek at
Tue Feb 18 23:45:46 PST 2014
Looks good, please file the request into JIRA, so it won't get lost.
On 02/18/2014 06:25 PM, anton nashatyrev wrote:
> Hello All,
> I'd like to add my 2 cents to lambdafication of JavaFX:
> Recently I was working on a fix in the JFX and used convenient JFX
> beans feature - 'select binding':
>*(ObservableValue<?> root,
> java.lang.String... steps)
> I.e. to select some chain of properties one should write something
> like:
> BooleanBinding bb = Bindings.selectBoolean(control.sceneProperty(),
> "window", "isShowing");
> When having templates and lambdas this API looks legacy. This kind
> of usage is not type-safe, may lead to runtime errors and involves
> reflection in the implementation.
> The idea is to use type-safe functional-style 'selector' like this:
> @FunctionalInterface
> public interface Selector<T, E> {
> ObservableValue<E> selectValue(T t);
> }
> and the helper interface (class):
> public interface SelectElement<E> {
> <K> SelectElement<K> select(Selector<E, K> p);
> <K extends Boolean> BooleanBinding selectBoolean(Selector<E, K> p);
> <K extends Integer> IntegerBinding selectInteger(Selector<E, K> p);
> <K extends Long> LongBinding selectLong(Selector<E, K> p);
> <K extends Float> FloatBinding selectFloat(Selector<E, K> p);
> <K extends Double> DoubleBinding selectDouble(Selector<E, K> p);
> <K extends String> StringBinding selectString(Selector<E, K> p);
> <K> ObjectBinding selectObject(Selector<E, K> p);
> }
> The new Bindings method replacing all select*() methods:
> publci static <E> SelectElement<E> select(ObservableValue<E> o);
> With the new API the example above would look like:
> BooleanBinding bb =
> select(s -> s.windowProperty()).
> selectBoolean(w -> w.showingProperty());
> The benefits of the new API:
> * Static type checking - no chances for a mistake when selecting long
> chain of properties
> * IDE code assisting for property selection
> * not restricted to properties only, but might be used with any
> observable. I.e. one may want to select an element from observable
> collection at any selection step
> * might be implemented without reflection, which may result in some
> performance gain
> This change is of course might be targeted to JDK9 only.
> Thanks for taking a look!
> Anton.
> On 15.02.2014 3:35, Stephen F Northover wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> Mark it on your calendar. Feb 25th is OpenJFX Lambda day. On that
>> day, we will lock the code base, lambdify everything in sight, and
>> then open up for business again. One thing that we won't be doing
>> right away is converting our code to use streams and other JDK8
>> features but this is inevitable (perhaps after 8u20). We are part of
>> the JDK, we ship with the JDK so we will use features from the JDK.
>> Like "Lambda's to the slaughter" the Android and iOS ports of OpenJFX
>> will be affected. We've been discussing the use of RetroLambda on
>> and off in JIRA for a while and it seems that it will work for both
>> ports. We care about these ports and it is possible that Lambda Day
>> will slip for one reason or another. For one thing, the lambdifying
>> tools blow up some of the source making lambda conversion a somewhat
>> manual process. Hopefully we can get the bugs fixed before the day.
>> On that day, I will be listening to 'The Lambda Lies Down on
>> Broadway" all day. Those of you with children might prefer "Mary had
>> a little Lambda". Despite being called "The Lambda Police", I am and
>> old Lisper and a card carrying member of the "Knights of the Lambda
>> Calculus". Look that one up. I know the founder personally but will
>> never tell who it is.
>> Steve
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