passing Context into Application?

tomas.brandalik tomas.brandalik at
Mon Feb 24 01:06:12 PST 2014

Another way to get context would be from glass but I also prefer having 
another launch method on Application.


On 02/24/2014 09:52 AM, Tom Schindl wrote:
> Maybe some code makes that more clear.
> See
> If I got Johan right he'd like to have an additional Application.lauch
> method with takes a context
> Application.launch(Class<? extends Application> clazz, Object
> applicationContext, String... args)
> and then on Application a method named getApplicationContext() : Object
> to retrieve the passed in value.
> Tom
> On 24.02.14 09:47, Tom Schindl wrote:
>> The problem is that the instance is created by Application.launch and
>> this call returns only when the application is stopped!
>> Tom
>> On 24.02.14 09:45, Richard Bair wrote:
>>> What if you had an AndroidApplication extends Application that added the new APIs, such that somebody could specialize behave by using the AndroidApplication subclass?
>>> On Feb 24, 2014, at 9:03 AM, Johan Vos <johan at> wrote:
>>>> I've been working on using the Android API's in a JavaFX application. As
>>>> explained in my blog post at
>>>> we're
>>>> using a (imo) rather dirty trick.
>>>> The problem is that all Android API's need to be accessed via a Context
>>>> instance. The Java FXActivity that we use to bootstrap the JavaFX
>>>> Application extends Context, but it is only accessible in the JavaFX app
>>>> since we add it as a static field on FXActivity. When FXActivity calls the
>>>> LauncherImpl to start the application, we can't pass context information.
>>>> We can pass String[] but that is not useful here.
>>>> In general, I think the environment that launches a JavaFX Application
>>>> (Android, iOS, script, JNLP, management software,...) may want to pass some
>>>> context information. Of course this context information is very specific,
>>>> with Object being the ugly common denominator.
>>>> I realize it goes against the wora principles, but having the possibility
>>>> to either inject or set a context on javafx.application.Application would
>>>> definitely help using JavaFX in other environments.
>>>> - Johan

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