passing Context into Application?

Mario Torre neugens.limasoftware at
Mon Feb 24 01:13:27 PST 2014

Why not having a marker interface, perhaps FXContext or ApplicationContext.
You then need to provide the implementation with appropriate methods to
access the environment and the app code would then need still casting, but
at least there is no Object going around, so it's a tiny little bit nicer
API wise.

Il 24/feb/2014 09:54 "Tom Schindl" <tom.schindl at> ha scritto:

> Maybe some code makes that more clear.
> See
> If I got Johan right he'd like to have an additional Application.lauch
> method with takes a context
> Application.launch(Class<? extends Application> clazz, Object
> applicationContext, String... args)
> and then on Application a method named getApplicationContext() : Object
> to retrieve the passed in value.
> Tom
> On 24.02.14 09:47, Tom Schindl wrote:
> > The problem is that the instance is created by Application.launch and
> > this call returns only when the application is stopped!
> >
> > Tom
> >
> > On 24.02.14 09:45, Richard Bair wrote:
> >> What if you had an AndroidApplication extends Application that added
> the new APIs, such that somebody could specialize behave by using the
> AndroidApplication subclass?
> >>
> >> On Feb 24, 2014, at 9:03 AM, Johan Vos <johan at> wrote:
> >>
> >>> I've been working on using the Android API's in a JavaFX application.
> As
> >>> explained in my blog post at
> >>>'re
> >>> using a (imo) rather dirty trick.
> >>> The problem is that all Android API's need to be accessed via a Context
> >>> instance. The Java FXActivity that we use to bootstrap the JavaFX
> >>> Application extends Context, but it is only accessible in the JavaFX
> app
> >>> since we add it as a static field on FXActivity. When FXActivity calls
> the
> >>> LauncherImpl to start the application, we can't pass context
> information.
> >>> We can pass String[] but that is not useful here.
> >>>
> >>> In general, I think the environment that launches a JavaFX Application
> >>> (Android, iOS, script, JNLP, management software,...) may want to pass
> some
> >>> context information. Of course this context information is very
> specific,
> >>> with Object being the ugly common denominator.
> >>>
> >>> I realize it goes against the wora principles, but having the
> possibility
> >>> to either inject or set a context on javafx.application.Application
> would
> >>> definitely help using JavaFX in other environments.
> >>>
> >>> - Johan
> >>
> >

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