Java Web Start UI in JDK 8.0

Joe McGlynn joe.mcglynn at
Mon Feb 24 20:59:54 PST 2014

The dialogs for deployment (applets and web start) that are done in Java have parallel implementations in both FX and Swing.  If it’s launching an FX app we use FX dialogs (and the reverse) to avoid loading both UI stacks unnecessarily.  

Can you add a screen shot to the bug so we can see what you’re reporting please?


On Feb 24, 2014, at 8:30 PM, Scott Palmer <swpalmer at> wrote:

> Is my suspicion correct that Java Web Start UI in Java 8 is done with Java
> FX?
> I just filed an issue in JIRA against the "deployment" component:
> and I wonder if that is the right place for it?
> (I was about to file another)
> Scott

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