8u20 review request: RT-35210 - exceptions in WebLauncher on Mac

Jim Graham james.graham at oracle.com
Wed Jan 8 18:07:42 PST 2014

Adding Johan Voss to the list of reviewers since this fix may 
potentially involve an Android #ifdef block.

Johan, the webrev currently listed in the Jira issue below does not yet 
modify the Android block, but I am proposing eliminating the block since 
I think it was a workaround for the bad call to glValidateProgram that 
we are eliminating here (that bad call started causing problems for us 
as well in a way that I'm guessing it once caused for the Android port 
which led to the workaround hack).

Does the Android port still use this code (i.e. does it still use 
prism-es2)?  If so, what do you think about eliminating the hack at 
lines 609-611 (old version) => 586-588 (new version)?


On 1/8/14 5:12 PM, Jim Graham wrote:
> Chien, Felipe,
> Jira: https://javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/RT-35210
> webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~flar/RT-35210/webrev.00/
> I will finish the cleanup of the "shader log" logic (RT-35209) as a
> follow-on fix after this is pushed...
>              ...jim

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