javafxpackager and launcher

Scott Palmer swpalmer at
Fri Jan 10 17:47:19 PST 2014

What I'm referring to is data that is already available to the packager
that is not being used effectively.  It's only applied to JNLP data or
something, when it can also apply to the resources in the launcher exe.  I
think the two issues are distinct.


On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 5:23 PM, Mark Fortner <phidias51 at> wrote:

> Comments in-line
>> I just started experimenting with the javafxpackager and I noticed that
>> the
>> .exe that is created could, and probably should, have more things
>> customized in the resources.  If you get properties on the file in Windows
>> and look at the Details tab, things like Product name and Version are not
>> filled in.  The project has a Title, a Vendor, Description and
>> Implementation Version, etc.  I believe those are used for JNLP
>> deployment.
>>  It would be nice to have those details injected into the .exe just like
>> the icon is.  Should I create an issue for that?
> I think there already is an issue for a "universal deployment descriptor"
> This came out of last year's discussion thread entitled "Packaging
> Application Metadata".
> Cheers,
> Mark

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