Progress Bar into Combo Box is not working properly

Alexander Kouznetsov alexander.kouznetsov at
Thu Jan 16 01:13:47 PST 2014

You shouldn't mix ComboBox data items and JavaFX nodes. So change 
ComboBox<VBox> to ComboBox<MyData>.

Next, you can set ProgressBars as ListCell graphics as you already do. 
And make sure that each cell has its own ProgressBar node. Nodes cannot 
be present several times in the scenegraph. That's why there is the 
following situation: selected node cannot appear in the list of nodes at 
the same time:

Your example also has some code to hide combobox which is confusing as 
it is not related to the question.

Best regards,
Alexander Kouznetsov
(408) 276-0387

On 16 дек 2013 18:18, Peter Penzov wrote:
> Hi All,
>     I want to implement Progress Bar into Combo Box. I pasted the code here:
> When I run the code the progress bar is empty. There is no selected
> Progress Bar which is displayed by default. And also after a time the
> progress bar is not responsible. I tested the code with Java 8b119. Maybe
> this is a bug.
> Can you please assist me to fix this issue?
> Regards,
> Peter

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