Monocle with VNC for Jenkins
Stephen F Northover
steve.x.northover at
Wed Jan 22 08:20:24 PST 2014
There is a StubToolkit. It is not part of the jar that is shipped with
the JDK. You will need to build JFX and test against your build.
On 2014-01-22 11:14 AM, Uwe Sander wrote:
> Hi Steve,
> Thanks for your answer.
> Let me ask another question: how would you do headless testing in JFX
> 7? There's no Monocle, but I was under the impression there's a
> StubToolkit?
> Uwe
> Stephen F Northover<steve.x.northover at> , 22/1/2014 5:04 PM:
> I would like to see StubToolkit go. Why would you ever want to test
> code in a vastly different environment where the threading model
> is not
> enforced? Why would you want to headless implementations to test
> against instead of one?
> Having said all that, pragmatic may force us to have two.
> Steve
> On 2014-01-22 10:40 AM, Uwe Sander wrote:
> > Thanks for your answer, Daniel.
> >
> > If there's still a use case for StubToolkit, I'd like to know
> why I get a CNFE when I'm trying to use it in a simple JavaFX
> application (see the link in my previous message). Has anyone
> succeeded in building and using it (outside Oracle)?
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Uwe
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Daniel Blaukopf <daniel.blaukopf at
> <mailto:daniel.blaukopf at>> , 22/1/2014 2:49 PM:
> > Hi Uwe,
> >
> > On Jan 22, 2014, at 2:19 PM, Uwe Sander <usander at
> <mailto:usander at>> wrote:
> >
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I'm interested in headless testing, too. I tried to use
> StubToolkit for including TestFX tests in a headless build, but
> all I got was a CNFE. If anyone is interested to give me a hand on
> this, details can be found at
> >>
> >> As Tom explained, Monocle would provide another way for
> headless testing. Does it replace StubToolkit?
> > Monocle uses the same Quantum toolkit that other JavaFX
> implementation use - not StubToolkit, which is only used in testing.
> >
> > As I see it, there is a place for tests using StubToolkit, and a
> place for tests using a real Toolkit implementation. For example,
> QuantumToolkit has a very specific threading model, but this is
> not enforced by StubToolkit. StubToolkit is useful for isolated
> tests of the upper parts of the JavaFX stack. For a real
> application you need to test on a real Toolkit, and headless
> Monocle is one way to do that.
> >
> > We have open on
> removing StubToolkit. I’m not convinced that is the right thing to
> do. would open up
> possibilities for a new class of automated test, without requiring
> us to rewrite existing tests that use StubToolkit.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Daniel
> >
> >>
> >> Cheers,
> >> Uwe
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Tom Eugelink <tbee at <mailto:tbee at>> , 22/1/2014
> 8:46 AM:
> >>
> >> What also is very interesting is headless testing. Let me see
> if I'm getting this.
> >>
> >> Normally Jenkins would start a VNC server (xvnc), which
> provides some kind of graphics API against which an UI program can
> paint. JavaFX is not picking that up however.
> >> But, as I read it, in this case JavaFX starts its own VNC
> server, so it takes of everything itself. All one would need to do
> is specify the
> >>
> >> -Dglass.platform=Monocle -Dmonocle.platform=VNC
> -Dprism.order=sw
> >>
> >> And additionally a port to run the VNC server on (so multiple
> Jenkins jobs don't interfere).
> >>
> >> Am I correct? How can I test this (aka in which version is the
> VNC server available)?
> >>
> >> Tom
> >>
> >>
> >
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