Error running JAVAFX using WinLauncher.exe

Danno Ferrin danno.ferrin at
Thu Jan 23 16:24:00 PST 2014

Unfortunately there is no way to trap that output with the current code, 
it is from the JVM to a console

Also, with that flag there should be a message box with the title 
"Exiting application" that should keep the console from closing. in this 
case, in addition to bringing up the console.  Are you seeing this 
message box?

Is your application literally called "WinLauncher"?

On 1/23/2014 4:34 PM, Francisco Javier Godino wrote:
> Hello:
> I have a JAVAFX that it runs perfectly from the command line with this command:  java -jar xxxx.jar.
> However, if I run it from the packaged versions, I have an error.
> I ran from the command line : WinLauncher.exe /Debug to open the console.
> I see part of an exceptions before the applications close.
> I don't have posibility to catch this exceptions.
> Is there a posibility (changing WinLauncher.cpp) to send this information to a .txt file? I'm not expert in c++.
> Thanks in advance
> Javier

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