Launching JavaFX Apps with Java 8

Scott Palmer swpalmer at
Thu Jan 23 20:04:40 PST 2014

Interesting.. but the example that I saw after following the link to
RT12169 call launch at least.  This issue happens without calling launch on
the application class.  That doesn't make much sense to me, since I
wouldn't even expect the Platform thread to be running at that point.


On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 8:53 PM, Alexander Kouznetsov <
alexander.kouznetsov at> wrote:

> I would expect the same.
> However, there are bugs already filed on this:
> Best regards,
> Alexander Kouznetsov
> (408) 276-0387
> On 23 янв 2014 17:31, Scott Palmer wrote:
>> For me it prints the "Hi mom!" message and hangs.   Since there is no
>> showing Stage, I would expect it to exit.   Shall I file a bug?

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