Scene Builder support for read-only Map Properties

Yves JOAN yves.joan at
Tue Jan 28 23:39:42 PST 2014

Hi Neil,

I created " Cannot load a 
layout using read-only map properties syntax" to track the loading issue.

On question #2 may be it's worth having another JIRA: what kind of 
editing support would like to see ?


On 28/01/14 20:49, ngalarneau at wrote:
> Hello,
> When I use the read-only Map Property FXML syntax (described here:
> ), it seems to work, but causes the latest Scene Builder (2.0-b11) to not
> start.
> 2 questions:
> 1) Will read-only Map Properties be able to be round-tripped in Scene
> Builder sometime soon?
> 2) Will Scene Builder add editing support for these properties (perhaps
> similar to the support for editing Styles)?
> Thank you,
> Neil
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