ComboBox: TestEditor to ListView binding

Kirill Kirichenko kirill.kirichenko at
Fri Jul 4 21:48:08 UTC 2014

I'm implementing a searchbox.
In the textfield of the combobox I'm typing a search string. 
textProperty of the editor has an onChange listener which forms a list 
of strings that contain the text as a substring. Then I set this list of 
strings as a content of the drop down list of the combobox.
The problem is when I start selecting items in the drop down list the 
editor field gets updated making new substring search and updating the 
list again.
I want to break this dependency. I don't want to update the text 
property when I select an item in the drop down list OR I want to 
distinguish in the textProperty listener what caused that event - real 
editing the field or setting the field trough binding from the list view.

I hope I could make myself clear.

On 05.07.2014 01:21, Stephen F Northover wrote:
> Hi Kirill,
> What exactly are you trying to do?  The following (crap) listens for the
> value to change and then sets it back:
>          ChangeListener<String> l = new ChangeListener<String> () {
>              public void changed(ObservableValue observable, String
> oldValue,
>                      String newValue) {
>                  System.out.println("attempt to set new value: " +
> newValue);
>                  Platform.runLater(() -> {
>                      comboBox3.valueProperty().removeListener(this);
>                      System.out.println("restoring old value: " +
> newValue);
>                      comboBox3.setValue(oldValue);
>                      comboBox3.valueProperty().addListener(this);
>                  });
>              };
>          };
>          comboBox3.valueProperty().addListener(l);
> This is not good code because it adds and removes a listener to avoid
> notification when the value is reset.  It uses runLater() in order to
> stop the combo box from getting confused when the value is changed from
> within a changed listener.
> Steve
> On 2014-07-04, 3:09 PM, Kirill Kirichenko wrote:
>> JavaFX ComboBox has binding between TextEdit field and the ListView
>> selection such that edit field gets updated when we change the
>> selected item in the drop down list.
>> Is there a way to break this binding - when we select an item in the
>> list the editor field remains untouched. Where should I look at ?
>> Thanks.
>> K

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