hg: openjfx/8u-dev/rt: RT-37832: [packager] Mac App Store Bundler fails to strip jfxmedia.dylib and strips Info.plist

Tony Anecito adanecito at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 8 22:27:26 UTC 2014

The issue I am facing is the map layers are not showing up in the window. It has worked fine in the past and for the app, dmg, pkg rght now except for the iTunes pkg file. The data is on the disk but for the itunes pkg it almost acts as if the disk is not accessable so I was wondering about the entitlements.
My Entitlements file name is not the same as the app name a request from Apple.

On Tuesday, July 8, 2014 4:07 PM, Danno Ferrin <danno.ferrin at oracle.com> wrote:

What sort of something wrong?  can you describe the failure behavior? 

Does the app completely bomb out?  The file dialog will cause the app to bomb out right now, even with the correct entitlements: https://javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/RT-37261 and it won’t be fixed until 8u40.

If it is some other failure, please describe it.  It does weird things wight he container and setting user.home as well.

To specify the entitlements either use the bundler argument 'mac.app-store-entitlements’ and enter the file path (build time) or add a drop-in resource named <app name>.entitlements much like you would an icon.  

This is for the top level, all other files are signed with an “inherit” sandbox that I have anecdotal evidence is better than identical entitlements.  This inherit entitlement can be overridden with an <app name>-inherit.entitlements drop-in resource.

On Jul 8, 2014, at 3:45 PM, Tony Anecito <adanecito at yahoo.com> wrote:

Thanks Kevin,
>Danno - Something is wrong specifically with the pkg file for Apple iTunes. The app, dmg and regular pkg all work fine. It is like there is a permissions issue and my app for that pkg can not read or write or both to the disk. It is like my entitlements file is not being read and used for the that pkg file. I do specify my entitlements file name in my ant script. How does the packager know what the entitlement file name and location is?
>On Tuesday, July 8, 2014 3:18 PM, Kevin Rushforth <kevin.rushforth at oracle.com> wrote:
>As soon as EA builds of 8u40 start up (nor sure exactly when but likely
in 1 or 2 weeks) you can get the fix from 8u40-b01. If you don't mind
using JDK 9, the fix will be in 9-b22 which should be out on Friday or
>Not sure when / if 8u20-b23 will be available (it's the GA candidate
build and those are often not posted on java.net).
>-- Kevin
>Tony Anecito wrote: 
>Ok. Something odd happened I never seen before and acts
like issue might be with Info.pList in the pkg file. The app file works
just fine. 
>>On Tuesday, July 8,
2014 2:59 PM, Danno Ferrin mailto:danno.ferrin at oracle.com wrote:
>>The Info.plist in the plugins dir.  i.e.
<app>/Contents/PlugIns/<jdk_name>/Contents/Info.plist - we
should be preserving this as I believe apple checks the meta-data for
it.  I still haven’t been able to sign it in a way the
ApplicationLoader won’t complain, but it is just a warning at the
>>It’s been broken since b18, the second week of June.
>>As for when b23 will appear, that’s always been above my pay grade. 
The fix is in the 8u40 line at the moment, and to get stuff into 8u20
involves committee approval now.  Looks good, but I don’t sit in or
listen into those meetings.  The HG repo to keep an eye on is http://hg.openjdk.java.net/openjfx/8u20/rt/,and I missed the b22 build but the repo isn’t reflecting that yet.
>>On Jul 8, 2014, at 2:02 PM, Tony Anecito <adanecito at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>> Thanks Kevin. I know why the media libraries need to not be
present but not what the stripped Info.plist means.
>>> So when might b23 appear?
>>> Thanks,
>>> -Tony
>>> On Tuesday, July 8, 2014 1:53 PM, Kevin Rushforth <kevin.rushforth at oracle.com>
>>> Danno will answer the first question (it is related to needing to
>>> the media libraries). As to when it will appear, if it is approved
>>> inclusion into 8u20 it will be in b23.
>>> -- Kevin
>>> Tony Anecito wrote:
>>>> Hi Danno,
>>>> What do you mean by strips Info.plist? I am having a strange
problem using b20 and wondering if it is related to what you meant by
stripped Info.plist.
>>>> Also, what build will this be fixed in?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> -Tony
>>>> On Monday, July 7, 2014 2:46 PM, "danno.ferrin at shemnon.com"
<danno.ferrin at shemnon.com>
>>>> Changeset: 7398ae52202d
>>>> Author:    shemnon
>>>> Date:      2014-07-07 10:51 -0600
>>>> URL:      http://hg.openjdk.java.net/openjfx/8u-dev/rt/rev/7398ae52202d
>>>> RT-37832: [packager] Mac App Store Bundler fails to strip
jfxmedia.dylib and strips Info.plist
>>>> Summary: unit test for file verifications
>>>> !

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